An then there was us....

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Catching up 5 months....

October-Well had a wonderful Halloween and went to our 45th IBCT carnival which was fun.We went ice skating for the first time with my baby girl an she did so good:)

November-Well we had Thanksgiving here at our place an invited immediate family.I cooked everything but my sister helped with a side so it was a big task but I took it on to bring our family together for the Holiday.

December-Awesome Christmas..My husband got to be with us on Skype while the girls opened their presents.Lets just say Santa is awesome hahaha.Also our oldest turned 4!!!Happy Birthday Sophia:)!!

January-Brought in the New Year with a bang and a fresh start going back to Church with my little family.We are so excited for the New Year an what it brings<3 Our faith in Christ will never fade but only grow stronger.

February-Happy Birthday to my husband:)!!He was surprised with a cake&T-shirt over seas at the USO which he enjoyed!Its also Valentines Month an its still the beginning so will see.....

Today Adalyn crawled for the first time an Im so excited for her an watching her grow.Even big sister was apart of the excitement while helping an cheering little sister on<3
My husband also bought me my wedding bands which I love them!!!Thank you babe!!We booked our Honeymoon and paid off bills to be debt free when he returns;)!!

Im so excited cause now I get to plan our wedding and there are so many emotions going through me its hard to even cope.Im trying to stay strong an get past all the negative people in our lives an so far I do not let any bring me down.Im doing my nest by taking care of our girls and  keeping the faith in my Heavenly Father<3

My husband-He is doing well..missing home very much and missing his girls even more...He is ready for April to come....

Me- Missing him..whats new<3

I love my husband very much an this deployment has been the hardest an we have lost many friends but we have gained many many friends who we consider family.We will get through this an I cannot wait to walk down the isle towards him an know im his forever....